7 MAR 2019

HKDSE & IGCSE Information Evening (F.1 & F.2)

The Form 2 HKDSE and IGCSE Options Evening was conducted on 1st March, 2019. Nearly 300 Form 1 and Form 2 parents and students attended the event. 


After the Principal, Mr. Dion Chen, spoke about the importance of making informed subject choices and the unique curriculum structure in Forms 3 and 4, subject teachers and heads of department explained more about the various elective subjects offered by the YHKCC at Form 3 level. The talks were conducted in three time slots where parents and students chose to attend the presentations they were interested in. Presentations also covered the skills developed during the course and how the subject prepares students for tertiary study and future careers.


Parents and students found the Options Evening useful as it was a good opportunity for them to interact with teachers to find out more about the potential pathways for their children in the school and beyond.